Why do deadbolts fail?

By on Sep 24, 2013 in Featured Slider, Home Security Articles, Residential Series | 0 comments

For as long as we can remember we have always had deadbolts on our doors. Whatever the case may be we are always locking our doors, but have you ever stopped to realize if locking your door is even worth it? Today’s deadbolts claim superiority over others by advertising electronic cylinders, or extra long screws but do these features actually help you in the event of a home invasion? I hate to say this but the answer is no, almost all deadbolts utilize the same old technology which include a deadbolts, cylinder, and strike plate. So whats is the problem? If everyone is doing it then it must be safe and secure right? According to the FBI crime stats 73% off all home invasions occur through a kick-in through the front or back door. In other words, out of every 4 homes that are burglarized, 3 of those 4 homes are entered through simply kicking in the door.

What if I purchase a lock with a longer throwbolt?

  • Like almost every deadbolt on the market, the deadbolt is the barrier that intruders must breech to enter into your home. However, the deadbolt is not as secure as one would believe. The deadbolt is actually not a solid piece rather its attached to a movable arm via a pin. Look at what happened to the deadbolt when we hit it with a 20 pound battering ram below.

What if I increase the size of my screws on my strike plate?

  • This is a common method done by many but does it actually help any? We have all heard the saying “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, right?” When it comes to locks, the same principle applies. If you increase the screws of your strike plate then that only puts more stress on the throwbolt as well as the frame of the door. As a matter of fact you can see below that the actual throw bolt breaks off the lock when we conducted our test with a professional series deadbolt that included 3 inch screws to secure the strike plate into the frame of the door.

What makes the Ultimate Lock different?

  • The Ultimate Lock was designed with security in mind, true security. We realized that you cannot just simply fix one part of the equation but the whole thing. The Ultimate Lock offers these major differences which might save your life one day:
Anatomy of the Ultimate Lock Ultimate Lock vs. Pop-a-Lock Ultimate Lock vs. Professional deadbolt

Strengthens your existing door frame

When a door is forced open it is most commonly due to a weak section of the door frame closest to the deadbolt.The Ultimate Lock eliminates this common problem with its specially engineered steel strike plate. It’s designed to withstand extraordinary force and is virtually unbreakable.

A marriage that works!

One of the major advantages of the Ultimate Lock is that it marries the door jamb and door frame using extra long screws drilled in at opposite directions at 30 degree angles. In essence, your door becomes a solid brick wall. A criminal would have to knock your whole wall down in order to kick open the door. In instances where your door is being kicked in, these extra long screws will dig deep into the door’s frame and increases the amount of force your door can handle in the event of a kick-in.

Two locks in One

Don’t worry! You’re not going to have to remember to turn an extra knob. The Ultimate Lock utilizes two deadbolts that work in unison; a mortise deadbolt and a rim deadbolt. When coupled together you’ll have an unprecedented defense against home invasions. The secondary security lock protrudes slightly across the door frame so that you can see from up to 40 feet away that your door is locked. A convenient feature that our customers have benefited from.

Our patented lockout feature

With the push of a button the Ultimate Lock renders any key useless. You’re always protected, even if your intruder has the real key to your home.

High security 6-Pin anti-bump key lock

Most standard locks only offer 4-pin bump protection. With six high security pins, it makes picking the Ultimate Lock virtually impossible.The Ultimate Lock has 6-pin tumblers, and three of the six tumbler sets are bump-pin arrangements. That is what makes it so difficult to pick or bump the Ultimate Lock.

We’ve got your hinges covered

The Ultimate Lock comes with additional extra long screws to be used for your hinges. By using these longer screws in place of your existing hinge screws you will increase the amount of force your door can withstand even more!

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