
Head Lice - Eradication And Elimination

by norman horowitz

What people commonly refer to as lice, is actually a group of small insects called a louse. It lives human beings, usually on the scalp. It feeds off of blood. Every year there are millions of Americans dealing with the issue of head lice or body lice. Most of these are usually children, as they are most susceptible. A school setting promotes the spread od lice since there are many children in close proximity.

It is quite simple to diagnose for head lice. You can look for the shiny white eggs in the hair or the presence of lice bites. However, the best way to check if a person has head lice would be to use a lice comb. The lice comb can be examined after combing their hair thoroughly, for any presence of lice.

If you are worried about head lice in your child please check their heads on a regular basis. That is the best way to prevent the problem. Schools in the United States generally have a policy that states that a child with head lice must remain at home until the problem has been cleared up.

This can stop lice from being passed between children, yet frequently lice are not discovered until they have been transmitted from one child to another. It is therefore very important to inspect your child's hair on a regular basis, particularly if they are aged between four and twelve.

Keeping your child's hair short will help him avoid picking up nits. If he does become infected, however, you must wash all bedding and towels and treat his head at least once to get rid of the problem. Do not send your child to school while he has an active infestation, because head lice pass from child to child very quickly. The most obvious clue that a child has head lice is if you see him continually scratching or digging at his head and scalp.

Several options for treatment are now available for removing a lice infestation. If you or your child runs into that problem, you can choose from natural products and hot hair to silicone based lotions currently on the market. Remember though, no one treatment method is always effective to finish the job completely. Prevent a reoccurrence by keeping a close eye on the situation.

Between six and twelve million people in the U.S. alone struggle with infestations of head lice and body lice each year. Lice date back to ancient times, and they have lived as parasites on our bodies and scalps ever since. An adult louse has no wings, so when he finds a head to live on, he's there to stay. His only food is human blood. Most schools in the United States have a no nit policy which means that children with lice are dismissed from class until the problem is dealt with and all lice have been removed.

Published February 16th, 2008

Filed in Family


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